Hi, I'm Resman - designer & tinkerer

Selected Work


I'm a digital strategist and designer who works with brands and design teams to help think, strategize and design frameworks that grow as design trends and consumer’s expectations evolve.

I believe that content is king and any idea can be implemented into a compelling and value-driving experience. Over the last 15+ years, I have helped build a design studio from scratch, worked with startups small and large, and tackle challenges with Atlassian, Immutable, Sprint, PepsiCo, Gatorade, Electrolux/Frigidaire, and Ford Motor Company to understand business needs and user-valued solutions.

During that time, I have watched the digital landscape grow up from ma & pop marketing websites, to full-fledged digital products and services that supports business workflow and provides consumers value. I hold a BFA, emphasis in visual communications, from Kansas State University and currently leading design teams for Jira, previously Ecosystem and Forge platform teams at Atlassian.

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Steal what you need.
Hand rolled using CodeKit, Visual Studio. Hosted on Github. Deployed by Netlify.
One love, peace.